Multi-Sport - Wednesday - Fall 2024 Rules

URO Policies – SCROLL Below for Multi-Sport Rules

Game times start at on the hour sharp! (Check your schedule), please be at the courts 10 minutes before the start of your game.

Team Colours – Chosen colours have been added to the schedule. The AWAY team is responsible to wear a different colour if there is a conflict.

The vast majority of games require a lineup with a minimum of 2 women and 1 man on the court to field a full team. If a team does not meet this requirement, they must play shorthanded (ghost spot).

Teams must have a minimum of 3 players to play a game including at least 1 woman and 1 man. If a team does not meet this requirement, the game is still playable but a forfeit (auto win for other team)

If a team doesn’t come or only has 2 players they will be sent a default fine to reimburse the versing team for the night. No amount of pre-warning will make a difference.

Urban Rec commits to providing at least 1 warm-up ball per team and necessary ball for each sport played and the necessary nets – ie. volleyball, soccer. Any other special equipment your team needs must be brought by your team. For example: hockey gloves, cleats for outdoor grass, goalie gloves, shin pads for soccer and/or hockey, face protection for eye protection, etc. 

Coed Basketball Rules

Match/Game Rules

1. A full line up consists of 5 players with at least 2 women and 1 man on the court.

2. A match will consist of two 25-minute halves with a 5 minute break between halves. If games are delayed in starting, this time will be adjusted accordingly at the discretion of the Game Supervisor.

3. Teams will only call fouls committed by their own players. Players will not call the fouls against their opponents. If a player neglects to call their own fouls, their team captain will be responsible for calling these fouls on their player’s behalf.

4. Substitutions can be made “on-the-fly”. Rotate players at your discretion. Sub in on the offensive only before the ball has crossed half court.

5. Games start with a jump ball, with either the Game Supervisor, or another team member, tossing the ball.

6. Fouls are called by either offense or defense.

7. Start play with a throw in after a foul

8. There is no over and back.

9. All other standard basketball regulations apply.

Benchball Rules

Match Format

1. Teams consist of 6 players with at least 2 women and 1 man

2. There are 6 dodgeballs on the center line

3. The game begins with the 6 players on their side of the court (3 laying down and 3 standing)

4. The 3 players laying down run to the 3 balls on the right side of their court

5. Players cannot cross the center line to get a ball.

6. Hit players must walk around the court and not walk through the game.

7. At the initial whistle, after the players have reached the ball, they must return to the half court line before throwing the ball at the opposing opponent

8. The object of the game is to throw the ball at your opponent or catch an opponent’s ball to get them “out” and onto the bench which acts like a prison. If the teammate is able to catch the ball while remaining on the bench, then the catcher may rejoin their teammate on the court.

9. If a player on the court can sink a basket then they “free” all players on the bench. Once all of the players of a team are on a bench the opposition wins the game.

10. Teams play as many games as they can within the time period allotted; each game won counts as a point in the match. The final score indicates how many games each team won.

11. Boundaries are the volleyball court but a player is not out for slightly stepping out of bounds

12. All players must enter and exit the court at the back line to retrieve balls from outside the boundaries


· Players may only have 1 ball in their possession at a time.

· A player on the bench may only catch 1 ball at a time.

· A basket clears bench as a “prison break”

· A player is sent to the bench if they are hit with the ball or their thrown ball is caught.

NOTE: this is not dodgeball – no deflection catches. First hit is out.

· No one comes off bench if a ball is caught ball.

· A clean catch is one that is caught without the ball or the player touching the ground. The ball may not touch the floor during a pass attempt, nor can a player touch the ground in an attempt to catch the ball. You may catch a ball from a deflection (as long as it is not deflected off the floor). You can catch a ball if it bounces on the bench.

CHANGE· After a clean catch a ball must be dropped in front of the bench.

· If the ball is NOT caught cleanly, the ball must be dropped to the floor in front of the bench so the opposing team can pick it up.

· Teams cannot hoard the balls; players should make an effort to keep the balls in motion. If the Event Coordinator notices that a team is hoarding the balls, they have the discretion to roll some of those balls to the opposing team (or ask players to do so).

· Defensive team may not stand immediately in front of the bench to defend. Minimum 1 meter from bench.

California Kickball


A maximum of 9 players on the field during play (minimum of 2 women and 2 men) or they will play short. 

Game Play

  1. No set batting order but all players in field must bat (Home) or all batters must play in field (Away).
  2. Everyone bats each inning. When the last batter of an inning puts the ball in play, the inning will end either when the batter has been put out, or when the defense is in possession of the ball while touching home plate.
  3. Once the pitcher has the ball in control the play is over.


  1. The defense consists of a Pitcher, Catcher, 1B, 2B, SS, 3B, and 3 outfielders.
  2. Outfielders must stay at least 10 feet away from the infield until the ball is kicked.
  3. No player may advance beyond the 1st/3rd base diagonal before the ball is kicked.
  4. If any player (except the catcher) advances beyond the 1st/3rd base diagonal before the ball is kicked the pitch is considered a ball or if the ball is kicked, and the fielder makes a play on the runner, the kicker is safe
  5. In the event that a team is short players, they may place defenders at any position on the field they see fit.

Pitching / Catching

  1. Pitching must be underhand.
  2. The strike zone extends 1 foot on either side of home plate and 1-2 feet high. The ball must bounce before it reaches the plate to be considered a strike, otherwise, it is a ball.
  3. Any pitch that is higher than (1-2) feet at the plate is considered a ball. (Kickers may choose to kick a ball even if it is a ball)
  4. The pitcher must stay behind the pitching line until the ball is kicked.
  5. The catcher must be at least 3 feet behind home plate and out of the way of the kicker until the ball is kicked.


  1. All kicks must be made by foot.
  2. All kicks must be taken at or behind home plate or a foul will be called.
  3. Bunting is allowed as long as it passes the “bunt” line. See “bunt” line below.
  4. “Bunt” Line
  5. The “Bunt” Line is located approximately in front of home plate and extends toward the 1st and 3rd base lines.
  6. All kicks must cross the “Bunt” Line.
  7. Balls not crossing the “Bunt” Line are fouls.
  8. A ball fielded before it crosses the “Bunt” Line is a foul


  1. Runners must stay in the base line. If a runner leaves the baseline they are considered out.
  2. Fielders must stay out of the baseline.
  3. If a fielder interferes with a runner in the baseline, the runner safely advances to the base they were approaching.
  4. Fielders making a play on a base must lean out of the baseline when making a play on the bag.
  5. Leading or stealing is not allowed. A runner leading off a base before the ball is kicked is out.
  6. There is absolutely no sliding at any base. Sliding is an automatic out. Diving toward the base is also considered sliding.
  7. It is always a force play at home in this scenario and runner may not slide.
  8. Tag ups are allowed.
  9. All ties are determined by Paper-Rock-Scissor – Shoot.


Every foul is considered a strike

A foul is:

A kick made beyond home plate.

A kick that does not cross the “Bunt” Line

A ball that is fielded by a fielder before it crosses the bunt line


4 balls is a walk.

A ball is:

A pitch outside the strike zone

An un-kicked ball when a fielder crosses the 1st/3rd base diagonal

Any catcher coming within 3 feet of home plate before the ball is kicked


An out occurs when:

3 strikes (If a kicker kicks a foul ball whenthey have 2 strikes, the kicker is out)

A runner touched by a ball at any time while not on base

A runner leading off a base

A ball tag on a base to which a runner is forced to run

Any kicked ball that is caught in the air

Capture The Flag

Match Format

  1. Teams will consist of all team members to an equal portion of the opposition. Minimum of 2 women and 2 men, on the field depending on how many teams are playing on either side.
  2. A match will consist of two 25 minute halves with a 5 minute break between halves. If games are delayed in starting, this time will be adjusted accordingly at the discretion of the Event Coordinator (EC).
  3. Sub on the fly if there are team members on the side line but must sub near flags.
  4. Game may end in a tie.
  5. Object of the game is to get all 6 flags into your team’s safe zone.
  6. Out of bounds will be communicated by the EC. The center line will be marked with cones.
  7. Safe zones will be marked with cones in each respective end zone making a circle. Each safe zone will have 3 flags in it.


  1. No equipment is required from teams
  2. Please ensure your team colour is worn by all team members

Game Rules

  1. Game is started with each team in their respective end zones and the EC blowing the whistle.
  2. The second half will begin with all players in their respective end zone, no matter where each player was at the end of the first.
  3. If you are touched by the opposing team on their side of the half, you must return to your side to tag up. Once you are on your side, you may proceed again.
  4. If a player makes it to the opposing team’s safe zone without getting touched, they may remain in that zone for an unlimited amount of time, looking for the opportune moment to run back to their side to put the flag in their safe zone.
  5. Once a player has one foot in the safe zone, they cannot be touched. This player is the one to decide whether or not they were touched before or after they got a foot in the safe zone.
  6. There cannot be more than 4 people in the safe zone at one time.
  7. Players defending their safe zone must be at least 3 feet from the line.
  8. If a player is touched while holding a flag in the opposing team’s side and not in the safe zone, the player must return to their side and that flag must return to the proper safe zone.
  9. A point is awarded to a team that successfully obtains all 6 flags in their safe zone and a new match will begin.
  10. If there is no team that has successfully obtained all 6 flags by the end of the 50 minute mark, the team with the most flags in their safe zone will be deemed the winner.
Floor Hockey Rules

Match Format

  1. Play is 5-on-5 as there is no goalie. A full lineup consists of at least 2 women and 1 man on the floor for each team at all times.
  2. Teams must switch sides at half due to the shooter tutors sitting higher on the nets.
  3. Teams will only call fouls committed by their own players. Players will not call the fouls against their opponents. If a player neglects to call their own fouls, their team captain will be responsible for calling these fouls on their player’s behalf.
  4. Games start with a face-off, with either the event coordinator or one of the participants dropping the ball at centre. The ball must touch the floor on the faceoff. Players cannot bat the ball out of the air. After each goal, play is re-started with a face-off. The team that scores the goal drops the ball at center.
  5. Balls going out of bounds are brought in from the corner by the defensive team, regardless of which team touched the ball last. Team Captains may agree at the beginning of game to play with no boundaries.
  6. Any ball going out of bounds that strikes a wall or other object (including players or spectators) and comes back into bounds is considered to be in play.


  1. Only Urban Rec-supplied floor hockey sticks MUST be used. This includes the shooter tutor.
  2. Players may wear soccer-style shin pads if they desire. Players may also wear gloves (hockey/lacrosse/winter mittens- all okay). This equipment is optional and not mandatory.

Game Rules

  1. When a team takes possession of the ball after it goes out-of-bounds, the opposing team must give that player 5 feet and 3 seconds to play the ball. Once the player moves the ball, the opposing team may check them. If 3 seconds elapse without the player moving the ball, the opposing team may check them. Any dispute over this will be decided by the EC at their discretion.
  2. A goal counts as long as it goes into the net, or the smaller nets on the shooter tutor. Any changes to this rules can be discussed at the beginning of the game or at half time between the volunteer and team captains.


  1. All games are self-refereed. The Event Coordinator is NOT a referee. Instead, as the emphasis in this league is on fun and participation, it is hoped that common sense prevails and players will call their own infractions. When an infraction occurs, the opposing team will receive possession of the ball in the corner nearest the spot of the infraction.
  2. High-sticking, slashing, body-contact and slap shots are strictly forbidden. You may not wind up and raise your stick above your waist when shooting backhand. In essence you cannot take back handed slap shots. In any of these instances the ball will be turned over to the opposing team. Please have consideration and respect for your opponents; you might think you are trying to get the ball but instead may be attacking their shins! PLEASE PLAY THE BALL AND NOT THE BODY!
  3. Any ball contacted by a stick above the height of the waist (of the player who is doing the high-sticking) is considered to be high-sticking, and the opposing team will receive possession. Needless to say, any goal scored in this manner will not count.
  4. If the player keeps their stick below the height of their waist while playing the ball, but makes contact with an opposing player with their stick, this is an infraction and the opposing team will receive possession of the ball.
  5. A player may not dive or lay down on the floor, either to check another player or to block a shot. Players may go down on one knee to block a shot, but leaving their feet to sprawl across the floor in an attempt to check a player or to block a shot will result in:
  • The opposing team being awarded possession at centre
  • A warning being issued to the offending player. If a player commits the same foul after being issued a warning, they will be ejected from the game.
  1. If a player throws their stick anywhere on the floor, a penalty shot will be awarded to the opposing team. Any member of the non-offending team on the floor may take the penalty shot.
  2. There is no intentional body contact allowed. This includes “pick”-plays, as well as, for example, a defensive player pushing into the back of an offensive player or an offensive player backing into a defensive player (even if they have possession of the ball). Even if the offensive player has possession of the ball, they may not initiate physical contact with an opposing player. Initiating physical contact will result in the opposing team receiving possession of the ball in the nearest corner (defensive team) or at centre (offensive team).
  3. If a player continuously fails to call their own infractions, the EC may, at their discretion, ask the captains to tell their player to take a 5-minute “break” on the bench. The EC will time the 5 minutes and notify the player when they may participate again.
  4. Any player that is “benched” will not cause their team to be short-handed, unless they do not have any substitutes for that player. In this case, the team will play short-handed.
Flag Football Rules

Match Format

  1. A match will consist of two 25-minute halves with a 5 minute break between halves. If games are delayed in starting, this time will be adjusted accordingly at the discretion of the Event Coordinator (EC).
  2. Teams will only call fouls committed by their own players. Players will not call the fouls against their opponents. If a player neglects to call his/her own fouls, his/her team captain will be responsible for calling these fouls on his/her player’s behalf.
  3. 6 players on offense, 6 players on defense – a full lineup includes a minimum of 2 women and 1 man
  4. Game is started by the offensive team from the 10 yard line with a kick or throw – decided by captains at beginning of game. (“Rock, Paper, Scissors” to decide possession). Play starts from the 10 yard line after a touchdown and to start game as well as 2nd half.
  5. Touchdown worth 1 points
  6. 4 downs to make centre, 4 downs to score once past centre. Can kick ball on 3rd down (not to score)
  7. End-zone is ~5 yards deep
  8. With 3 minutes remaining time will stop and 5 plays will remain in the half or game.

Match/Game Rules

  1. Quarterback cannot run over the line of scrimmage unless rushed by defense after 5 steamboats (if defense does not cross line of scrimmage after 5 steamboats quarterback can’t cross line of scrimmage).
  2. Quarterback can be rushed after “5 Steamboats”
  3. Defense must be 1 yard from line of scrimmage and can move to the line of scrimmage once ball is snapped.
  4. Offence has 30 seconds to get ball into play each down.
  5. No diving on offence or defense.
  6. No “pick” plays.
  7. No contact. Any unintentional contact that results in an unsuccessful play will result in a replay of the down
  8. If ball is fumbled, it is immediately dead where it hits the ground and is still the possession of the offensive team.
  9. Touchdown is scored when player with the ball touches the ground in the end zone. They cannot be pushed out of bounds while making a catch.
  10. No huddle offense (“Hurry-up Offense”) is allowed except in the following cases where the offense must wait for the defense to set up – ie. Change from offense to defense and1st down.
  11. Defensive players caught in an offside position at the time of the snap become ineligible players for that down and may not interfere with the play. If they interfere penalty is half the distance to centre or goal line (whichever applies) and replay the down.
Handball Rules

Match/Game Rules

  1. A match will consist of two 25 minute halves with a 5 minute break between halves. If games are delayed in starting, this time will be adjusted accordingly at the discretion of the Event Coordinator (EC).
  2. Teams are to play with 6 players on the court (5 players and a goalie) – Minimum 2 women and 1 man (not including the goalie).
  3. Teams will only call fouls committed by their own players. Players will not call the fouls against their opponents. If a player neglects to call their own fouls, their team captain will be responsible for calling these fouls on their player’s behalf.
  4. Substitutions can be made “on-the-fly”
  5. Players allowed 3 steps with ball after landing, and can only hold the ball for 3 seconds.
  6. Ball can be dribbled once and then player can take 3 more steps but then must pass or shoot.
  7. Players can not enter either goal crease except in the act of shooting.
  8. Players can shoot while jumping into the crease but shot must be released before foot touches inside crease. The shot must be released while in the air. The timing of this shot must be obvious. If there is any doubt that the shooter was back on the ground at the time of the shot then it is the goalie’s ball and any goal resulting from the play does not count.
  9. Goaltender can play as an attacker.
  10. No barging or head ducking, using elbows or swiping defenders arms away in order to get past them.
  11. No hitting opposition’s arms, no holding or tripping.
  12. No kicking the ball except for the goalkeeper making a save.
  13. No diving on the floor to play a ball.
  14. When the defender fouls the attacker while shooting then it is a free throw from the top of the crease with only the goaltender to beat.
  15. No reaching in to grab ball away or swiping. Ball can only be blocked.
  16. A ball that is knocked down and bounces does not count as a dribble. If the player with possession bounces it a second time while gaining control, this counts as a dribble.
  17. No punching or hitting the ball.

Game of handball is a game of positioning and not defensive contact. The rules of the game encourage lots of shooting. Please play it in this manner. Remember this is a recreational level league!

Indoor Soccer Rules

Match Format

  1. Teams are to play with 5 players on the floor (4 players and a goalie) including at least 2 women and 1 man (keepers do not count)
  2. Substitutions can be made “on-the-fly” – EXCEPT for the goalie, who can only be substituted for at a stoppage in play.


  1. Urban Rec will provide a game ball, goal nets and an on-site event coordinator.
  2. Outside shoes are not allowed – please bring a separate pair of gym shoes.

Match/Game Play

  1. A kick off will start the game and restart the game after a goal is scored
  2. Kick offs must have the ball going in a forward direction and may not be touched by the kicker again until the ball has been contacted by another player
  3. A goal cannot be scored directly from a kick off
  4. The opposing team must be at least 5 feet away from the ball on a kick off, until the ball has been put into play.
  5. Balls that are out of play when the ball has crossed the side line will result in a kick-in. Unless playing full gymnasium!
  6. Balls that are out of play when the ball has crossed the goal line (but not into the net) will result in a corner kick if a defending player was last to touch the ball, or a goal kick if an offensive player was the last to touch the ball. Unless playing full gymnasium!
  7. Players may not interfere in any way with the goalie.
  8. Goalies are not allowed to handle the ball with their hands when the ball is thrown or kicked to them by their own team, unless the ball is headed back to them by their teammate. They ARE allowed to use their hands inside the goal crease when the opposing team throws or kicks the ball towards the goalie, or if the ball deflects off a defender. If a goalie uses their hands to play the ball in anyway, when it was thrown/passed by their own team, then the opposing team is awarded an indirect free kick – see below for description.


  1. The player starting the play (kick or throw-in) is not allowed to touch the ball again until it has been played by another player
  2. Opposing players from the team that is kicking the ball must stay 5 feet away from ball until it is in play.
  3. Substitutes must enter the field at the same location (and after) the player comes off the field.
  4. Players are responsible for calling all their own fouls; Team Captains are responsible for informing their team of the rules and also for enforcing them if their team is negligent in this regard.
  5. The goalkeeper is not allowed to pick up the ball if it has been passed or thrown (via throw-in) to him from a person on his team.
  6. All free kicks are to be indirect. must touch another person than the kicker before going into net.
  7. Fouls: kicking, tripping, jumping at, charging, holding, pushing, yelling at, slide tackling, striking or spitting at an opponent, or handling the ball; all result in a free kick to the opposing team from where infringement occurred.  
  8. Handballs: A handball occurs when the balls touches any part of your arm from top of shoulders to fingertips (except a goalkeeper within their own crease).

General Urban Rec Indoor Soccer Rules


There are no off-sides in Urban Rec indoor soccer.


If a player breaks a rule or commits a foul, then the opposing team is awarded an indirect free kick from the spot of the infraction.


a. Players may not jump to play a ball with their feet.

b. Any player who kicks or attempts to kick a ball that is above their own waist while standing on the field will have a foul called on them. Two high kicking fouls in one game will result in the expulsion of the offending player from the game.

c. No bicycle kicks

d. Kicking or attempting to kick an opponent

e. Tripping or attempting to trip an opponent

f. Jumping at an opponent

g. Charging an opponent in a violent, reckless or dangerous manner

h. Holding or pushing an opponent

i. Handballs: A handball occurs when the balls touches any part of your arm from top of shoulders to fingertips (except a goalkeeper within their own crease). ALL handballs are to be called a foul and the opposing team gets an indirect free-kick.  A handball must be called if the ball goes off your arm to yourself or your teammate.

j. Obstructing an opponent

k. Slide tackling

l. Using your body to advance

Slide tackling is not allowed in any URBAN REC soccer league. Slide tackling includes any player, including the goalie, who leaves the ground in a foot or feet-forward motion, in a defensive play in attempt to relieve the offensive player of the ball. The goalie may dive head-forward to make a save, but may not dive feet-forward

ALL indirect free-kicks are to be taken from the “SPOT OF THE FOUL‟. - This includes when the goalkeeper illegally plays the ball with their hands.

If, after a save, the goalie is playing the ball it must be thrown (NO DROP KICKS ALLOWED), the ball must touch the floor on his/her own side of centre prior to continuing into the opposing side of centre. This is to dissuade the goalie from throwing/kicking the ball the entire length of the court. In the event that a goalie throws/kicks the ball into the opposing side of centre without the ball first touching the floor on the goalie's side of half, the play will be dead and the opposing team shall take possession with an indirect free kick from centre.

- Goal kicks (a place kick from beside the goal after the ball goes out of bounds after touching an offensive player last) shall be exempt from the above rule and may travel into the opposing end without being required to touch the near side of centre.


Ultimate Frisbee Rules

The following rules are the basic rules of Ultimate Frisbee. For a complete set of detailed rules, please go to (Ultimate Players Association) website.

Unless otherwise indicated below, the official UPA rules shall prevail in Urban Rec league play.

Match Format

  1. A match will consist of two 25 minute halves with a 5 minute break between halves. If games are delayed in starting, this time will be adjusted accordingly at the discretion of the Event Coordinator (EC).
  2. Teams will only call fouls committed by their own players. Players will not call the fouls against their opponents. If a player neglects to call their own fouls, their team captain will be responsible for calling these fouls on their player’s behalf.
  3. Teams are to play with 5 players on the court/field– Minimum 2 women and 1 man on at all times.
  4. Substitutions can be made “on-the-fly”.
  5. Each point begins with both teams lining up on the front of their respective end zone line.
  6. The defense throws ("pulls") the disc to the offense. The receiving team has the option of catching the disc or letting it fall, but if they attempt to catch it & drop it, it is an automatic turnover.
  8. Players must play the disc from where it lands, unless it lands in the end zone then you walk it up to the end zone line.
  9. The receiving team does not have to wait to have the disc "tagged in" off the pull.
  10. Whoever retrieves the disc off of a pull or from any throw that lands out of bounds must play the disc. It cannot be handed over to someone else to commence play.
  11. If the pull goes directly out of bounds, the receiving team may call "centre" and play the disc from the middle of the field at the point where the disc crossed the boundary. If the disc rolls out, "centre" may not be called
  12. Movement of the Disc -- The disc may be advanced in any direction by completing a pass to a teammate. Players may not run with the disc. The person with the disc ("thrower") has ten seconds to throw the disc. The defender guarding the thrower ("marker") counts out the stall count. The marker can be no closer than one arm-length from the thrower (this is different from the UPA rules)
  13. Scoring -- Each time the offense completes a pass in the defense's end zone, the offense scores a point. Play is initiated after each score. A game is won by the team who has the most points after the end of play
  14. Change of possession -- When a pass in not completed (e.g. out of bounds, drop, block, interception), the defense immediately takes possession of the disc and becomes the offense.
  15. Non-contact -- No physical contact is allowed between players. Picks and screens are also prohibited. A foul occurs when contact is made.
  16. Fouls -- When a player initiates contact on another player a foul occurs. When a foul disrupts possession, the play resumes from where the possession was retained. If the player committing the foul disagrees with the foul call, the play is redone.
Coed 6’s Indoor Volleyball

Match Format

  1. Coed 6’s - A full lineup has 6 players including at least 2 women and 1 man
  2. If there is a dispute on a call, re-serve the play.
  3. 1 hour time slot will consist of 2 matches of 2 games. (15/15) Games are all rally point, win by 2 points, cap at 17. The coordinator will keep time. Whoever has the most points in the second match will win if they don’t make it to 15.
  4. At the 30-minute point, teams will move to play a second team according to the schedule.


URO balls must be used unless approval is given by both the EC and opposing team captain.
A second set of clean court shoes must be worn on the court

Game Rules

  1. All balls must be hit cleanly. No scooping or carrying the ball. Only off of a driven ball may a ball may be double hit (i.e. off arm and head in one continuous motion).
  2. Contact with the net in any way constitutes loss of point. A player that goes under the net but does not contact the net, or is not a part of the play is okay.
  3. A served ball may not be blocked or attacked directly back over the net.
  4. When a player blocks a driven ball and comes onto their own team’s side the block does not count as a hit towards the three hit limit.
  5. The ball can hit any part of the body.