Competitive Coed 6 Volleyball- Thurs - Fall 2022 Rules


Match Format

  1. Coed 6’s - There must be at least 2 of each gender on the court at all times. If a team has no females or males, then they lose by forfeit. If a team only has 1 of any gender they may play short, but MAY NOT replace the player with another gender. ie. 4 male and 1 female – can only play with 5 players and may not substitute a male for the missing female player. Male players may not substitute for female minimums or vice versa. 2 or less players is a default and teams will be fined to compensate the versing team.
  2. If there is a dispute on a call, re-serve the play. Ask the Game Supervisor for clarification of rules after the match is completed.
  1. Regular play:
    1. 1 hour time slot will consist of 1 match of 4 games per week. (21/21/21/15) Games are all rally point, win by 2 points, cap at 23/23/23/17. Win percentage will be what the standings are based on.

i. If time expires while teams are playing the 4th game, at least one of the teams must have reached 5 points for the game to count. Otherwise only 3 games will be reported . Combined points will not be used during the regular season matches to determine a winner.

  1. Playoff Format:

i. Each matches will be 3 games (25/25/25).

ii. If time expires during the 3rd game and 5 points has not been reached, then total points scored in the 3 games to that point will determine the winner of the match.


  1. URO balls must be used unless approval is given by both the GS and opposing team captain.
  2. A second set of clean court shoes must be worn on the court

Game Rules

  1. All balls must be hit cleanly. No scooping or carrying the ball. Only off of a driven ball may a ball may be double hit (i.e. off arm and head in one continuous motion).
  2. Contact with the net in any way constitutes loss of point. A player that goes under the net but does not contact the net, or is not a part of the play is okay.
  3. A served ball may not be blocked or attacked directly back over the net.
  4. When a player blocks a driven ball and comes onto their own team’s side the block does not count as a hit towards the three hit limit.
  5. The ball can hit any part of the body.
  6. Players may not chase balls into other courts. Yell “BALL” so that players are aware of the danger.