Indoor Turf Coed Soccer - Monday - Winter 2020 Rules

Urban Rec Okanagan Coed Indoor Soccer Rules

Match Format

1. Teams are to play with 5 players on the floor (4 players and a goalie) – At least 2 females must be on the floor at all times. If a team chooses to have a female keeper – she does not count towards the minimum of 2 females on the floor.

2. If a team has only one female player they may still field a team but they would play with a maximum of 4 players (3 males and 1 female). The missing female position cannot be replaced by a male. The lone female also may not play in net. The opposing team can still field 5 players as long as 2 are female. If during the course of the game the lone female is injured and cannot continue to play the team may continue but will be have to play 3 against 5.

3. If a team shows up and doesn’t have the minimum players they have 10 minutes of grace before the team will be considered in default and the default policy will be applied.

4. Teams will play until the end of time (an Event Coordinator will blow the whistle). In the event of a tie score in a regular season match, the game will go into the standings as a tie. In the playoffs, a tie game shall go into sudden death overtime (see rule 4).

5. Tie game in playoffs – teams will play an immediate best-of-5 shootout with the players on the field. Teams must rotate gender each shot. If still tied after 5 shooters, the shootout will be head-to-head.

6. Substitutions can be made “on-the-fly” – EXCEPT for the goalie, who can only be substituted for at a stoppage in play.

7. All matches are self-officiated – Team Captains are required to self-police their own teams and call their own fouls.


1. Urban Rec will provide a game ball, goal nets and an on-site event coordinator.

2. Teams must supply both a light and dark colored shirt. Goalkeepers must wear a different coloured jersey than the rest of their team as well as being different from the opposing team’s jerseys.

3. Outside shoes are not allowed – please bring a separate pair of cleats, indoor cleats or gym shoes.
*** NOTE operators of the Dome suggest outdoor cleats best for this turf

4. Shin pads are required. Shin pads must be totally covered by socks. (Dome only)

Match/Game Play

1. The game will start with the home team getting the ball at mid-field.

2. Teams will change ends after each half and alternate kick offs

3. A kick off will start the game and restart the game after a goal is scored

4. Kick offs must have the ball going in a forward direction and may not be touched by the kicker again until the ball has been contacted by another player

5. A goal cannot be scored directly from a kick off

6. The opposing team must be at least 15 feet away from the ball on a kick off, until the ball has been put into play.

7. Balls that are out of play when the ball has crossed the side line will result in a kick-in.

8. Balls that are out of play when the ball has crossed the goal line (but not into the net) will result in a corner kick if a defending player was last to touch the ball, or a goal kick if an offensive player was the last to touch the ball.

9. Players may not interfere in any way with the goalie inside the goalie crease. Players may pass through the crease, but any interference with the goalie will result in goalie’s ball.

10. Goalies are not allowed to handle the ball with their hands when the ball is thrown or kicked to them by their own team, unless the ball is headed back to them by their teammate. They ARE allowed to use their hands inside the goal crease when the opposing team throws or kicks the ball towards the goalie, or if the ball deflects off a defender. If a goalie uses his/her hands to play the ball in anyway, when it was thrown/passed by his/her own team, then the opposing team is awarded an indirect free kick – see below for description.


1. The player starting the play (kick or throw-in) is not allowed to touch the ball again until it has been played by another player

2. Opposing players from the team that is kicking the ball must stay ten yards away from ball until it is in play.

3. Substitutes must enter the field at the same location (and after) the player comes off the field.

4. Players are responsible for calling all their own fouls; Team Captains are responsible for informing their team of the rules and also for enforcing them if their team is negligent in this regard.

5. The goalkeeper is not allowed to pick up the ball if it has been passed or thrown (via throw-in) to him from a person on his team.

6. All free kicks are to be indirect (except penalty shots): must touch at least two people before going into net.

7. Fouls: kicking, tripping, jumping at, charging, holding, pushing, yelling at, slide tackling, striking or spitting at an opponent, or handling the ball; all result in a free kick to the opposing team from where infringement occurred. For a more detailed list, see Rule 1 above.

8. Penalty kicks are to be taken from twelve yards into field away from center of net; occur when a defender (not goalkeeper) touches the ball with his/her hand or arm while inside penalty area or when game winner has to be decided if it is still a tie after over-time in a play-off game. A PENALTY KICK WILL ALSO BE AWARDED FROM A SLIDE TACKLE IN THE CREASE.

9. Handballs: A handball occurs when the balls touches any part of your arm from top of shoulders to fingertips (except a goalkeeper within their own crease).

*********ADVANTAGE RULE: A handball does NOT need to be called if the ball goes to an opponent/or an opponent is the next player to touch the ball. A handball must be called if the ball goes off your arm to yourself or your teammate.

General Urban Rec Indoor Soccer Rules


There are no off-sides in Urban Rec indoor soccer.


If a player breaks a rule or commits a foul, then the opposing team is awarded an indirect free kick from the spot of the infraction. If an infraction occurs in with in the crease area – they the opposing team is awarded a penalty kick


a. Players may not jump to play a ball with their feet.

b. Any player who kicks or attempts to kick a ball that is above their own waist while standing on the field will have a foul called on them. Two high kicking fouls in one game will result in the expulsion of the offending player from the game.

c. No bicycle kicks

d. Kicking or attempting to kick an opponent

e. Tripping or attempting to trip an opponent

f. Jumping at an opponent

g. Charging an opponent in a violent, reckless or dangerous manner

h. Holding or pushing an opponent

i. Handballs: A handball occurs when the balls touches any part of your arm from top of shoulders to fingertips (except a goalkeeper within their own crease). ALL handballs are to be called a foul and the opposing team gets an indirect free-kick. *********ADVANTAGE RULE: A handball does NOT need to be called if the ball goes to an opponent/or an opponent is the next player to touch the ball. A handball must be called if the ball goes off your arm to yourself or your teammate.

j. Obstructing an opponent

k. Slide tackling

l. Using your body to advance

Slide tackling is not allowed in any URBAN REC soccer league. Slide tackling includes any player, including the goalie, who leaves the ground in a foot or feet-forward motion, in a defensive play in attempt to relieve the offensive player of the ball. The goalie may dive head-forward to make a save, but may not dive feet-forward.

Profanity is not permitted in any situation.

All free kicks are to be indirect (except for penalty shots) in this league, meaning that a goal cannot be scored unless the ball has been touched by a player other than the kicker before passing between the posts

ALL indirect free-kicks are to be taken from the “SPOT OF THE FOUL‟. - This includes when the goalkeeper illegally plays the ball with their hands.

The ball must touch at least 2 players before it can be a goal (the kicker and one other player excluding the goalie). Multi-sport only

All opposing players (defence) of the team taking the free kick must be at least ten yards away from the ball, except when the ball is being kicked from a point closer than ten yards from the goal mouth - in which case the defending players may stand on their goal line.


When the ball passes over the goal line (but not a goal) and was last touched by a member of the defending team, a member of the attacking team will take a corner-kick; the ball is placed within a one yard radius from the corner closest to where the ball went out of play; a goal may be scored from such a kick; the defending team must stand at least ten yards away from the ball until in play; the kicker shall not play the ball a second time until it has been touched by another player


When the ball passes over the goal line (but not a goal) and was last touched by a member of the attacking team, a member of the defending team will take a goal-kick; the ball is placed approx. six yards from the goal line on the side of the goal opening which is closest to where the ball went out of play; the ball is not in play until it crossed the 6 yard box. The kicker shall not play the ball a second time until it has been touched by another player.

If, after a save, the goalie is playing the ball it must be thrown (NO DROP KICKS ALLOWED), the ball must touch the floor on his/her own side of centre prior to continuing into the opposing side of centre. This is to dissuade the goalie from throwing/kicking the ball the entire length of the court. In the event that a goalie throws/kicks the ball into the opposing side of centre without the ball first touching the floor on the goalie's side of half, the play will be dead and the opposing team shall take possession with an indirect free kick from centre.

- Goal kicks (a place kick from beside the goal after the ball goes out of bounds after touching an offensive player last) shall be exempt from the above rule and may travel into the opposing end without being required to touch the near side of centre.


A penalty kick (which is a direct free kick) will be awarded anytime a foul (major or minor) is committed within the goal crease; it will be taken from the penalty-mark (twelve yards from the center of the goal mouth) with all players, except the goalkeeper and the player taking the kick, outside of the penalty-area and at least ten yards from the penalty mark; the goalkeeper must stand (without moving his/her feet) on their own goal-line, between the goal posts, until the ball is kicked; the kick must go forward and the kicker cannot touch the ball a second time until it has been touched by another player


We are expecting all of our Urban Rec participants to have a “Fun First” attitude about this unique sport opportunity. There is an emphasis on the players knowing the rules and managing their own actions on the field. Sportsmanship, fun and social courtesy are number one at Urban Rec and we hope to see that carry over to our New Dome Indoor Soccer league!