Coed Floor Hockey - Friday -Fall 2023 Rules

Urban Rec Floor Hockey Rules 4-on-4

Game Format

  1. Play is 4-on-4 plus a goalie for each team. Minimum 1 woman and 1 man on the court for each team at all times. Teams require at least 3 players with at least 1 man and 1 woman in order to not default.

  2. Games will be comprised of two twenty-five minute halves with a half-time break in between (60-seconds). If the game started late, the length of the halves and the break may be reduced at the discretion of the EC.

  3. Games that are tied after regulation end in a tie. Only difference in this is playoffs where semifinal games get 3-minutes of 4-on-4 sudden death overtime followed by a shootout and finals get 4-on-4 sudden death overtime for eternity. Consolation games end in a tie.

  4. Shootout Format – 3-person shootout.  Two members of the same gender may not shoot back-to-back in the same team’s order.  Shooters may not repeat until all players of tha gender on their team have shot (sudden death after 3 shooter).

  5. If two or more teams are tied in the standings at season’s end, the first tie-breaker will be the team with the higher winning percentage within division. The second tie-breaker will be the team with the higher URO fun point average. The 3rd tie-breaker will be head-to-head record against the other team(s) involved in the tie. If necessary, the 4th tiebreaker will be goal differential (goals for minus goals against) for the entire season (within that division).


  1. URO supplied sticks are available for use, should a player bring their own stick, that stick will need to approved by the event coordinator. Two-piece plastic bladed sticks are allowed, shaft can be made of any material so long as the blade is plastic. One-piece street hockey sticks with plastic or ABS blades are not allowed. Plastic blades must go outside of the shaft and must be bendable by hand. Blades inserted into the shaft are not allowed (regardless of bend).

  2. Players may wear soccer-style shin pads if they desire. Players may also wear gloves (hockey/lacrosse/winter mittens- all okay). This equipment is optional and not mandatory.

  3. Goalies may use a glove (trapper or baseball glove), blocker, mask, chest/arm protector, leg pads, athletic cup and hockey pants. These may be from floor or ice hockey. If a goalie does not have the proper upper body equipment (e.g. a heavy winter coat instead of arm/chest protection, this will be permissible at the EC’s discretion). As noted above, goalies may use an ice hockey goalie stick, goalies using such a stick are asked to be incredibly diligent with the safe use of said stick (multiple instances of stick to skin contact could result in a goalie losing their ice hockey goalie stick privileges). Goalies must wear a facemask or helmet with a full cage.

  4. A goalie’s leg pads cannot exceed a maximum height of 38 inches, nor a width of 12 inches (The size of the pads has been amended to reflect the sizes of floor hockey pads being sold in stores now, as well as to protect taller goalies). Ice hockey pads may be worn as long as they conform to the above size limitations.

Game play

  1. Games start with a face-off, with either the event coordinator or one of the participants dropping the ball at centre. The ball must touch the floor on the face-off. Players cannot bat the ball out of the air.

  2. After each goal, play starts from the goal line of the team that was scored on. The team that scored needs to retreat to half and cannot cross the opposing teams blue line until one of said team has crossed centre. The only change to this rule is in the last 5-minutes of a game where a team can attack after the entire team has tagged up. This is to prevent stalling. There is no offside or icing.

  3. Balls going out of bounds are brought in from the corner and possession is forfeited by whichever team last touched the ball before it exited play.

  4. Any ball going out of bounds that strikes a wall or other object (including players or spectators) and comes back into bounds is considered to be in play.

  5. When a team takes possession of the ball after it goes out-of-bounds, the opposing team must give that player 10 feet and 5-seconds to play the ball. Once the player moves the ball, the opposing team may check them. If 5-seconds elapse without the player moving the ball, the opposing team may check them. Any dispute over this will be decided by the EC at their discretion.

  6. If the goalie freezes the ball and stops play, then they may place or drop the ball either beside or behind the net for the defensive team to take possession. The opposing team must move at least 10 feet away and give 5-seconds of time for the defensive player to move the ball (as in rule 1). If the ball goes into the net as a result of the goalie accidentally dropping/placing the ball in the manner described above, it shall be no goal. However, if the goalie attempts to throw or play the ball up to a player that is not beside/behind their net, the ball shall be considered live as soon as the goalie releases the ball.

  7. The goalie is permitted to freeze the ball if they have any part of their body touching the crease area. If the goalie freezes the ball and part of their body is not touching the crease area, the offensive team will receive possession of the ball in the defensive corner.

  8. The goalie is not permitted to come across center. If the goalie does cross the center line, play will be stopped and the opposing team will get possession of the ball at centre. If a team wishes to “pull” the goalie during play, the goalie must leave the court and a regular player may come on to play.

  9. Players may not enter the goalie crease unless the ball is already there.

  10. Players may stand outside this area in an attempt to screen the goalie or deflect a shot, and may enter the crease area after the ball is already there, as long as they are not contacting the goalie. If the goalie attempts to throw the ball forward, then it shall be considered a live ball and the opposing team can play the ball at any point (i.e. opposing players do not have to wait for condition listed above rule 5 to be met before they attempt to intercept the ball).

  11. After a goal, the team now in possession must wait for the team that scored to regroup behind center, giving appropriate time for the scoring team to celly, but not so much time as to delay the game.


All games are self-refereed. The Game Supervisor is NOT a referee. Instead, as the emphasis in this league is on fun and sportsmanship, it is hoped that common sense prevails and players will call their own infractions. If an infraction occurs, then the opposing team will receive possession of the ball under the following circumstances:

  • All infractions result in a change of possession where the team infracted upon gets possession of the ball. Possession can be taken behind the net or along the boards.

  • The same restart procedure will be followed as outlined by rule 5 (5 feet and 3 seconds are given to the player restarting the play) however the player may not shoot the ball at the goal (the restart must be indirect). If a goal is scored off of a shot or rebound from the restart, the goal will not count.

  1. High-sticking, slashing, body-contact and slap shots are strictly forbidden. Please have consideration and respect for your opponents; you might think you are trying to get the ball but instead may be attacking their shins! Each player is responsible for their own stick, and must be able to control it. This rule applies for both players and goaltenders - there is to be absolutely NO slashing at a goalie’s pads, glove or blocker in an effort to free a ball or try to force the ball into the goal. This also includes trying to pry a ball loose under a goaltender, or jamming your stick at a goalie’s equipment to try and poke the ball into the net. PLEASE PLAY THE BALL AND NOT THE BODY!!!!

  2. A player’s wind up may not go higher than their knee as a backswing in order to shoot the ball (ie NO SLAPSHOTS)

  3. A player may NOT engage with an opposition player, or their stick unless they have the ball. This includes ‘tying a player up’/lifting their stick when they do not have the ball. You must play the ball, not the body or stick.

  4. Any ball contacted by a stick above the height of the waist (of the player who is doing the high-sticking) is considered to be high-sticking, and the opposing team will receive possession. Needless to say, any goal scored in this manner will not count

  5. If the player keeps their stick below the height of their waist while playing the ball, but makes contact with an opposing player with their stick, this is an infraction and the opposing team will receive possession of the ball. This also includes attempting to check another player, or their stick. If you attempt to lift their stick, and your stick contacts an opponent above the waist, this will also be considered a foul. Please be responsible for your sticks!

  6. No Leaving The Feet – A player may not dive or lay down on the floor, either to check another player or to block a shot. Players may go down on one knee to block a shot, but leaving their feet to sprawl across the floor in an attempt to check a player or to block a shot will result in 1) the opposing team being awarded possession at centre, and 2) a warning being issued to the offending player. If a player commits the same foul after being issued a warning, they will be ejected from the game.

    Goalies are exempted from this rule for the purpose of blocking the shot while still in proximity to their crease (i.e. they have a foot within 1 meter of the goalmouth). A goalie MAY NOT leave their feet outside their goal crease in an effort to poke-check, or block an opponent’s lane to the net. If a player commits an infraction of this rule in their goalmouth (they are inside or mostly inside the “crease” area - this will be at the EC’s discretion), or a goaltender commits an infraction outside of their goalmouth (they leave their feet outside the “crease” area and trip an opponent) then the opposing team will be issued a penalty shot that any member on the floor may take except the goalie.

  7. If a player throws their stick anywhere on the floor, a penalty shot will be awarded to the opposing team. Any member of the non-offending team on the floor may take the penalty shot.

  8. There is no intentional body contact allowed (this includes “pick”-plays). This also includes a defensive player pushing into the back of an offensive player, or an offensive player backing into a defensive player (even if they have possession of the ball). At all times players on offense and defence may not initiate physical contact with an opposing player. All players should do everything in their power to avoid contact at all times! Initiating physical contact will result in the opposing team receiving possession of the ball in the nearest corner (defensive team) or at centre (offensive team).

  9. No Hand Passes -A player may not use their hand to intentionally move the ball to a teammate. If a player intentionally touches the ball with their hand and the next player to gain possession of the ball is their teammate, then this shall be considered a hand pass and the opposing team shall receive possession. Goalies are exempted from this rule (i.e. goalies may play the ball to a teammate using their trapper. If the ball unintentionally deflects off of a player’s hand, then play shall proceed regardless of which team gains possession of the ball next.

  10. If a player commits any infraction (whether it is accidental or not), it is expected that that player will call themselves and give possession to the opposing team. If a player does not call themselves, it is their captain’s responsibility to call the infraction on their own team. If both the player and the captain fail to call the foul, the EC may step in and call it.

  11. If a player continuously fails to call their own infractions, the EC may, at their discretion, ask the captain to tell their player to take a 5-minute “break” on the bench. The EC will time the 5 minutes and notify the player when they may participate again.

  12. The EC’s decision is final, and may not be questioned or disputed. The team captains are the only players who may bring an issue to the EC’s attention. Communication between the EC and the team captains is encouraged to keep the league enjoyable for everyone.

  13. Any player that is “benched” will not cause their team to be short-handed, unless they do not have any substitutes for that player. In this case, the team will play short-handed.

  14. The first incident of any rough or physically unsafe play may result in a verbal warning or a benching for the guilty participant(s)- this will be at the discretion of the Event Coordinator. The second incident will result in a five-minute benching for the offending player. The third incident will result in that player’s IMMEDIATE EXPULSION from the game. In this case, the team captain will be responsible for ensuring that his/her player leaves the premises. The EC’s decision will be final, and there will be no questioning the EC’s decision. If the player refuses to sit out or leave the premises if asked to do so, the game will not re-start until that player complies. If, in the EC’s opinion, the player takes too much time to comply, the offending player’s team will default the game (no matter what the current score is), and the opposing team will receive a 1-0 victory in the standings.

  15. Any instances of verbal abuse by a player towards another player or the EC will result in that player’s immediate expulsion from the game and gymnasium, at the discretion of the EC. This includes foul language directed at another player or comments made to another player with, in the judgment of the EC, the intent of instigating a confrontation. If a player has been asked to leave by the Event Coordinator, it will be the team captain’s responsibility to ensure that the player leaves without further incident.

We want to enjoy playing recreational co-ed floor hockey while exhibiting good sportsmanship. Please enjoy yourselves!


  1. Have fun and play with good sportsmanship! We expect all of our Urban Rec participants to have a “Fun First” attitude about this unique sporting opportunity. There is an emphasis on the players knowing the rules and managing their own actions on the court. Sportsmanship, fun and being social are number one at Urban Rec and we hope to see that exhibited by all of our participants!

  2. To be eligible to play in the league all participants must have signed an online waiver with Urban Rec. Players that do not sign an online waiver will not be issued membership keytags and are not permitted to participate. Team captains that do not fill out the online team roster will have their team removed from the schedule until they do so and all players have signed the waiver. Team captains are responsible for ensuring that all participants for their team are eligible to participate.

  3. Playoffs Eligibility – all players must have played a minimum of 4 games over the regular season to be eligible to play in the playoffs. A team using an ineligible player will automatically forfeit the playoff game if the game has begun and that player has played in the game at that point. If a player shows up that is not on the team roster, they will not be allowed to play regardless if they played or subbed during the regular season. All players must be on the roster and indicate they have read the online waiver even if they are subs.

  4. Prior to your game, please double-check the online league schedule for your game times. If your team is late and not ready to go when the whistle blows to start the match, then you will lose playing time. A match will consist of two 25-minute halves.

  5. Teams have a 10-minute grace period from their scheduled start time as tracked by the Event Coordinator to field the minimum starting lineup If a team does not have enough players to field the minimum starting lineup (including at least 1 woman and 1 man) by the end of this 10-minute grace period, then that team defaults the game and is subject to the associated Default Fee used to reimburse their opponent. In this situation, the teams are encouraged to mix up players and play for fun during their time slot. Any team defaulting more than 2 games in a season may be asked to leave the league, with no refund.

  6. Teams may avoid defaulting in regular season games by utilizing players from other teams (other than your opponents) that play in the league without penalty. However, in the playoffs, this can only be done to avoid being subject to the default policy- the game will be considered an automatic loss (but not a default) if a team utilizes players not on their roster to field a lineup.

  7. All players should wear the same coloured shirt to games. We add team colours to the team name on the schedule. If a team wears black, the whole team should wear black, not dark grey. If a team wears red, the whole team should wear red, not orange. By default, the visiting team will be required to change their shirts if both teams show up wearing a similar colour.